Rules & FAQ

What is Yat Fantasy?

A brand new, FREE-TO-PLAY fantasy collecting game revolving around NFTs. It’s easy to play, super fun, and you don’t need to own any real NFTs to get involved. Simply create your dream NFT lineup, submit it by the deadline, and watch the real-time leaderboard to see who wins the incredible prizes up for grabs each week!

How to Play

Game #26 Prizes💰 

Game #26 Entry Details

  • By playing, you agree to the Official Rules.
  • The Game #26 lineup submission window opens on Wednesday, July 19th at 5PM ET / 11PM GMT+1 and closes on Wednesday, July 26th at 5PM ET / 11PM GMT+1
  • You may choose to submit your lineup anytime during the submission window. This is a strategic choice to make. Your ETH value will be based on the time of submission, not at the time of the submission deadline.
  • You may view the current Leaderboard at any point by visiting the game link here
  • Game #26 will end on Wednesday, August 2nd at 5 PM ET / 11p GMT+1
  • Whichever player has made the most ETH at the end of the game shall be deemed the game winner.
  • If players tie with ETH profit, whoever made the most USD profit shall be declared the winner, based on the conversion rate of ETH to USD at the time of submission.

Getting Started

First Time Players

  • Step 1: Visit here
  • Step 2: Click the Connect Twitter button to connect with Yat Fantasy
  • Step 3: Press the “Join” button next to “Lucy in the Sky” game
  • Step 4: Create your line-up, Use the search bar or the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button to find your desired collections
  • Step 5: Submit!

Returning Players - During the Lineup Submission Window

  • Step 1: Visit here
  • Step 2: Click on the most current game
  • Step 3: Click ‘ok’ and continue

Returning Players - After the Lineup Submission Window Ends

  • Step 1: Visit here
  • Step 2: Click on the most current game

If you are a returning player, see the FAQ for info on how to merge previous game data with your new account.

Setting & Submitting Your Lineup

  • To ensure you get notifications on lead changes, lineup swap windows, and more, enter your Telegram handle, or Discord ID. For Discord, please be sure to include your ID # (i.e. username#1234)
  • Use the search field for collections on the Ethereum blockchain to add them to your lineup and use the “Qty” column to increase the quantity of the collection for your lineup. You have a max of 100 ETH to spend but are not required to reach this limit.
  • Don’t know where to begin? Try our “I’m feeling lucky” tool to add a random collection to your lineup or select from one of the projects picked by players last week.
  • Projects that aren’t eligible for the competition will have a 🚫 to them indicating there’s an issue. Click the trash can icon to delete the collection from your fantasy lineup to submit.
  • The game winner will be determined based on the amount of total ETH gained, not the % of ETH gained. Your lineup ETH value during the competition is based on the value at the time of submission.
  • When your lineup is complete (and it meets all of the Lineup Submission Rules described below), submit your lineup with the “Lock & Submit” button.
  • You may leave and come back to the lineup to continue editing at any point before the submission window closes, as long as you have not already locked in your lineup.

Valid Collection Criteria

You can create a lineup from any collection on the Ethereum blockchain, as long as it meets the following criteria. The system will automatically mark non-qualifying collections and you must remove them before you can submit your lineup.

  • Asset Limit Unlimited assets can be added to your lineup! Collections can be stacked.
  • Min Unique Collections 1, you must maintain a single NFT collection in your lineup throughout the competition.
  • ETH Value Max 100 ETH, all players will begin with 100 ETH available to make your lineup. Throughout the competition, your gains or loses will determine how much ETH is available to swap.
  • Min ETH Used in Lineup Players must use at least 90% of their ETH Value Max, both for pre-game submissions and in-game swaps.
  • Min Trade Count in Last 7 Days 10, each collection in your lineup needs to have a minimum of 10 assets traded in the last weeks time.
  • Min Unique Wallet Holders 1%, the total number of assets in a collection for sale must exceed 1%.
  • Collection Assets Count 100, each collection in your lineup must have at least 100 assets in the collection.
  • New! Hype Bonus Multiplier bonuses up to 3x on collections picked by other players. More people pick a project = higher hype bonus
  • New! Listing Quantity Rule: Players can only max out the quantity of a given collection in their lineup based on the number of items in that collection that are listed. For example, if Azuki has 10,000 total items, but only 215 of those items are listed for sale, you can add a maximum of 215 Azuki to your lineup.

How to Swap Your Lineup

Throughout the competition, all players will have the opportunity to make “swaps” with collections to change the makeup of their lineups. While restrictions apply, this allows players to lock in profits or get rid of collections that have been bringing their lineup’s value down.

The following rules apply to swaps:

  • Your new lineup’s value cannot exceed the value of your current lineup at the time of unlocking.
  • Players are permitted so swap an unlimited number of times.
  • If you do not use some portion of your available funds, you will lose that amount from your lineup’s value.
  • There is a 5 minute cooldown time between available opportunities to swap
  • How to Swap To free up some liquid funds, you will need to get rid of some of the pieces in your fantasy collection. Delete the undesirable collections from your lineup or reduce the quantity of a collection to free up some ETH. Add additional quantity to collections you would like more of or use the search bar at the top to search for and add new collections to your fantasy lineup. Remember, these changes cannot exceed the total current value of your lineup.


Do I need to own NFTs to play?


No, you do not need to own any NFTs to play Yat Fantasy. Anyone can join and have fun regardless of your knowledge or experience with NFTs!

Do I have to spend all 100 ETH?


No, you don’t need to spend all 100 ETH, but you must have a single collection in your lineup before you can submit. The winner will be calculated on total ETH gained, not % gained, so you still most likely be at a disadvantage if you don’t spend close to 100 ETH.

Is there any purchase necessary to win?


No, entry is free.

Can I enter more than once?


No, only one entry per player at this time.

Why is the total ETH value calculated at the time of submission and not re-calculated at the time of submission closing?


In order to ensure players' expected value is under 100 ETH at submission, we must calculate it at that time; otherwise, their value could be over 100 ETH when the submission window expires. This also helps ensure variance in matching lineups to prevent ties, since the likelihood of 2 players submitting the same lineup at the exact same time is low.

Why are some collections not eligible for competition and how were they chosen?


Collections with very low activity are more subject to major market swings that can be influenced by players. Our criteria for eligible vs. non-eligible projects will evolve as we play the game and are intended to maximize fair and fun play. See the rules for more info.

Can I make changes to my lineup after it has been submitted?


Yes, players may unlock and relock their line up as many times as they wish before the submission deadline. After the submission deadline passes, there will be unlimited opportunity available each day the competition is open to swap collections in your fantasy lineup. See the rules for more info.

Why can I only add quantity to projects based on the number of items listed?


Players can only max out the quantity of a given collection in their lineup based on the number of items in that collection that are listed. For example, if Azuki has 10,000 total items, but only 215 of those items are listed for sale, you can add a maximum of 215 Azuki to your lineup. This is a more realistic and real-time view of a current collection's market.

Can I make changes to my Lineup during the competition?


Yes, you can swap unlimited times during the competition! You can use all of the accumulated ETH value of your collection to create an entirely new collection or alter your existing collection. See the rules for more info.

When I complete a lineup swap, do I retain any ETH that I did not utilize in the swap?


No, any ETH not utilized in the swap is lost.

If I win, how do I collect my prize?


We’ll be in touch with all winners within 24 hours of the end of the competition. If you have questions you are welcome to contact for more information.

How do I connect my previous game results to my new account (Game 10 and beyond)?


We can add your previous games to your new account and merge twitter accounts with email addresses upon request via Twitter AND email

Are Yat Labs, LLC employees eligible to win prizes?


No Yat Labs, LLC employees are eligible to receive any prizes that are announced above. If a Yat Labs employee reaches a prize rank, the prize will go to the next eligible player.

How to create a Yat Fantasy team?

  • Step 1: Visit here
  • Step 2: Click "Create a New Team"
  • Step 3: Give your team a unique name and mascot (1 character emoji)
  • Step 4: Join your own team!
  • Step 5: Pick an emoji to use as a team symbol on the leaderboard. (First come first serve, we will assign a random one if you don't select or select one already in use) where asked
  • Step 6: Enlist team members by sharing the team registration located at
  • Step 7: Join your own team and see who is registered!
  • Note that you can manage multiple teams but you are only eligible to join one team upon submitting your lineup.

How to join a pre-existing Yat Fantasy team?


The only way to join a pre-existing team is to join through their special invite link! If you have a team in mind you would like to join, make sure you get a link from the team's leader

Are there any prizes for the winning Yat Fantasy Teams? Are there any prizes if I win my team's leaderboard?


Yes! There is a prize of $300 of $LDO which will be split evenly and distributed to all winning members of the team. Individual scores based on rankings on the main leaderboard will still determine who receives a prize. The Winning Team will be the team with the highest Team Score, which is calculated by combining the profits of the top 10 players on your team.

How is Yat handling situations where projects are being delisted or there is clear price manipulation?


We are constantly evaluating projects on a case-by-case basis for their eligibility and legitimacy. If you believe a project has been botted or manipulated in some fashion, please report to a Yat staff member. Yat does however maintain the right to remove any project or competitor from the game if we deem it to be an appropriate action, based on the terms of the contest.

Why are some collections banned or under review?


We implementing a system where we can “pause” and review collections. While collections are under review, they will not be swappable or editable in any way. Our refs will discuss the collections in question and make a call on how to proceed. Contract issues (or any other activity) leading to inaccurate floor prices will result in those collections being disqualified, and players will lose any ETH they had allocated to those collections. Most of the time we exclude floor price changes caused by assets flagged by marketplaces, and even when we can't--it can happen if the stolen assets gets actively traded--they tend to persist for only a short time. If you notice something more significant happening with an item that is clearly flagged, please let us know! We do reserve the right to disqualify any collections or players based on our judgment at any given time. Our intention is for the game to be as fair as possible, but we will not tolerate players maliciously using loopholes or bugs to win.

What is the Yat Fantasy Hype Bonus?


The Yat Fantasy Hype Bonus is intended to allow players to benefit from being early to adding collections to their lineups, and/or convincing others to copy their lineup choices.

• Players attempting to unfairly manipulate the Yat Fantasy Hype Bonus is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification of any players found to be engaging in such behavior, including but not limited to the use of bots or manual efforts to create additional accounts in an attempt to increase the bonus.
• Yat reserves the right at any time to disqualify a player or collection suspected of Hype Bonus manipulation or any other reason which we deem as unfair play. • Disqualified players can no longer participate in the game and will be ineligible to win prizes.
• Disqualified collections will be removed from the game and players who have profited off of those collections will lose any associated profits.

How do I report a suspicious collection?


If you see a collection with suspicious activity like floor price manipulation or a bugged contract affecting the game, please get in touch with a Yat staff member via the Yat Fantasy Discord, Telegram, or Not all collections reported will result in a review period or be banned but we will consider all reports.

What reasons might a collection be banned or put under review?


1. Collections for which floor listings are not fulfillable/can not be purchased. These collections will be placed under review and potentially disqualified unless the floor listing becomes purchasable.

2. Any old contracts of a collection which have a public record of migrating to a new contract and still have active listings. Collections under these contracts will be disqualified.

3. Floor prices manipulated by tokens that have a history of being flagged as stolen or suspicious by one or more marketplaces. These collections will be disqualified.

4. Collections which are flagged by any marketplace as suspicious or fraudulent. These collections will be disqualified We will revaluate reports as they occur to consider additional changes, and hold the right to disqualify any collection or player at any given time for any reason.

I need more help, what should I do?


You can ask questions on the Telegram or Discord, open a ticket in the discord server, or contact When emailing or submitting a ticket, please include your Twitter handle or email on your account when you contact us.